Friday, February 22, 2013

Visit and not live in BB Land


Take a trip with me to B.B. Land (Before Baby Land). Cue the Wayne's World sounds when imagination scene starts. Wow. Look at all these dudes in shape, running for days, balling for hours, being competitive and what not! Testosterone justa flyin!!! seems like the males in B.B. Land were enjoying their time.

Then BOOM! The terrorist group known as Baby Drain come in! Killing any and all goals that the males in BB Land have. Alright....I know its a little over board but that's how I feel. Before the baby, I had a little groove. Workout at the gym or home. Play basketball or handball for cardio and frustration released. Run around and do physical activity before or after work....hey....I had time!!!

But not anymore! Now instead of me going on here boo hooing and playing my violin song....I am deciding to do something a lot of us fathers and men wont do in this position (and fail to admit we complain just as much as chicks)...BE POSITIVE AND OPTIMISTIC.

My past failures, giving in to situations, quitting, whatever. Its all just adjusting and getting back on track WHEN U CAN. No time for guilt trips because of a missed workout or weeks worth. GET BACK IN. Boo Hoo, I messed up my diet...MOVE FORWARD AND START NOW. Fitness is like our walk with The Lord. You mess up, confess at that very moment and move on into changing that behavior right then and there.

I'm tired of looking at the mirror and not liking what I see....reminding myself "I use to be an athlete." "These man boobs!" "Is that back fat?" "Beer belly....and I dont even drink!" For men (especially past 30) loosing that competitive spirit and not being able to do as you please fitness wise can be a striking and defeating blow in all aspects of our life . Sex. Self Esteem. Fatherhood. Marriage. Family position. etc. I can go on and on.

So on this day....make the change and be that former swaggerfied man who was active and strong. And if it doesn't happen the way you want it to....that's ok. Just try your best to be consistent and not let Baby Drain kill that athlete inside you!

So here's a quick rundown of what the plan is for me. Right now I'm around 210lbs and I'm looking to get to about 185-180lbs. No gym at this time unfortunately because I'm unemployed and staying with my son at home. I will post pics of my progress, as well as workout routines. Going to need you guys to comment, ask questions and hold me accountable. Of course I would love to do the same for you as well my fellow BB Land citizens. Lets take our Land back.....or at least share it with the baby and wife:-)

Oh....any one in the Raleigh NC area looking to link up and workout or do play dates with the kids, holler at cha boy!!!

God Bless

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


OK. Anyone who knows me, knows I hate the following-Computers, Face book, Twitter, Apps and last of all BLOGS. But after seeing my wives blog ( and what it does for her it made me think "Hmm, that's pretty cool!" 2 years later here I am (Wow just 2 years huh)!!!

After God had blessed me with a son (then the enemy,self imposed mind tricks, and difficult growth pains), I realised something. Fathers don't have deep connections, needed connections, a platform where we can network, vent and learn from each other like women do.

Also, at this point in my life, I need a couple things. I need a place to express myself, to get things off my chest, to share my experiences as a father, husband and a MAN. As well as learn from experienced fathers and teach other men in this situation who struggle in this difficult journey called Fatherhood/Manhood.

This blog will hold me accountable in the public eye as well as home, doubling as a journal and overall therapeutic outlet for us. So welcome to F3 and hello to a new thing! I look forward to us listening and speaking to each other.